I feed more than people

This was a pretty perfect day! Started out with an hour of ballet or as I prefer to call it “moving my ass”. Picked up rose food, grass seed and citrus tree food then spent the rest of the day outside for the most part. These freesias bloomed better than any year I can remember and pretty soon Bowen Court will look like this:

I got so into feeding and watering in the food so the lawn maintenance guys don’t blow it away on Monday that I forgot all about lunch other than munching a little of the beet salad I made and some snacking at Whole Foods. While I was there at noon they cracked a fresh wheel of Parmesan. I hadn’t planned to be there but apparently they were after getting into the record books with the “Crack Heard Round the World“. The cheese was pretty sweet and yummy; that’s all I can say about that!

I finally fired up the grill for some chicken and veggies. I think I’ll put on my PJs and finish the glass of wine with a piece of dark chocolate and a movie.

About floricooks

I cook; I feed; I eat
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1 Response to I feed more than people

  1. michele hessman says:

    Flori, you are just one of the most beautiful humans I know. Thanks for sharing your life…and thanks for the photos, they really add some depth to my visions of your stories.

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